Podcast Review Criteria

  • Globe showing the Indian ocean above a lit up hand

    NZ I Australia I Asia

    Our content includes news and reviews from New Zealand, Australia and Asia as its focus. Podcasts reviewed for Close to the Mic must be from these regions only.

  • Looking glass on light blue background

    Be Informative

    All podcast reviews submitted must be respectful of the content and inform potential listeners as to ‘why we should listen.’

    Include the basics: What is the podcast about? Why does it matter, and who is the target audience?

    If there are missed opportunities, explain what they are and how it might have lifted the content.

  • A metal digitaly produced robot hand coming out of a yellow circular ring

    Be Creative

    We want you to show off your personality and your writing style, and give us an insight into your tastes and preferences.

    Feel free to inject your sense of humour, if that is your strength.

    Be as descriptive as you like.

    We’re interested in engaging content that will help the industry and podcast community to grow.